AILET Question Paper and Answer Key 2023: Download PDF

Official AILET Question Paper and Answer Key 2023

Directions: I to X: Each set of questions in this section are based on the passage. The questions are to be answered on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. Choose the most appropriate response that accurately and completely answer the question.


  1. Primogeniture

All titles are inherited by the oldest eligible child. Note that a dead child’s progeny takes precedence over younger siblings If no eligible descendants exist, the ruler’s oldest eligible sibling is preferred. If lateral branches provide no candidate, the line of succession moves up to the primary parent” and repeats the aforementioned


*the father if patrilineal marriage, the mother if matrilineal marriage


All titles are inherited by the youngest eligible child Note that a dead child’s progeny takes precedence over older siblings. If no eligible descendants exist, the ruler’s youngest eligible sibling is preferred. If lateral branches provide no candidate, the line of succession moves up to the primary parent” and repeats the aforementioned


*the father if patrilineal marriage, the mother if matrilineal marriage

House seniority

All titles are inherited by the oldest eligible house member.

Note: The above rules of inheritance can take the following forms: gender-neutral male preference, where younger men take precedence over older women, and vice versa for female preference.


If a person is validly disowned, his/her position in the line of succession ceases to exist. Only a person who has become a ruler in accordance with any of the rules of succession mentioned above can disown a person in the line of succession. A person in the line of succession may also choose to adopt monkhood, which automatically results in his/her permanent removal from the line of succession.

Section – A: English

  1. Select the option that completes the following correctly

Precedence priority

  1. a) progeny : offspring
  2. c) eligible : privileged
  3. b) lateral : vertical
  4. d) primary : secondary


  1. Select the option that can be the most suitable introductory line to this text.
  2. a) Inheritance laws served as important means of preserving both the size of the property and the power and prestige.
  3. b) What distinguishes the Western Property System from the systems of most is that its category of private property is a default category.
  4. c) Public regulation of land use has increased drastically in the 20th
  5. d) A will is valid if it meets the formalities of the law, which usually, but not always requires that it be witnessed.


  1. Select the option that correctly reflects in the given part of the line. “If lateral branches provide no candidates…”
  2. a) interrogation b) consequence     c) condition      d) reason


  1. Select the option that substitutes the underlined words in the given sentence without Changing its meaning.

‘If a person is validly (1) disowned, his/her position in the line of succession ceases (2) to exist.’

  1. a) (1) technically; (2) begins
  2. C) (1) justifiably; (2) desists
  3. b) (1) unanimously; (2) tries
  4. d) (1) functionally; (2) struggles
  5. Monkhood results in a permanent removal from the line of succession because of its feature of
  6. a) recognizing a higher power
  7. c) embracing a new home
  8. b) renouncing the material world
  9. d) establishing new relationships

Section – B: Logical Reasoning

  1. A ruler’s first-born son, at the mornent of his birth, is first in the line of succession.

This statement is _____________

  1. a) Always correct with respect to the rule of primogeniture.
  2. b) Always correct with respect to the rule of house seniority.
  3. c) Capable of being correct in case of ultimogeniture.
  4. d) All the above


  1. A ruler’s last-born son, at the moment of his birth, is first in the line of succession

This statement is ______________

  1. a) Always correct with respect to the rule of ultimogeniture.
  2. b) Never correct with respect to the rule of house seniority.
  3. c) Capable of being correct in cases of primogeniture.
  4. d) All the above
  5. Different rules of inheritance can never create situations where the same person is first in the line of succession. This statement is
  6. a) Correct if seen only in context of the rules of primogeniture and ultimogeniture.
  7. b) Not correct even if it is seen only in context of the rules of primogeniture and ultimogeniture.
  8. c) Correct if seen only in context of the rules of primogeniture and house-seniority.
  9. d) Both a) and c)
  10. Y is the youngest child of X, the current ruler, who has 5 other children (each of them older than Y). Y is first in the line of succession. Which of the following inferences can be drawn for certain about their realm from the above two statements?
  11. a) If the rule of primogeniture is followed, then Y’s elder siblings have all been disowned.
  12. b) Even if one or more of Y’s elder siblings were not disowned, it is possible that the rule of primogeniture is followed.
  13. e) The only possible rule governing their realm is the rule of ultirnogeniture.
  14. d) All the above


  1. Which of the following scenarios is/are possible?
  2. a) A realm follows the rule of house-seniority. The ruler’s eldest brother.
  3. b) Even if one or more of Y’s elder siblings were not disowned, it is possible that the rule of primogeniture is followed.
  4. c) The only possible rule governing their realm is the rule of ultimogeniture.
  5. d) All the above
  6. X is the ruler of a realm. X has three younger sisters: W, Y and Z (in increasing order of ages). X is married to A, with whom he has three sons (B, C and D (in increasing order of ages)) and two daughters (E and F (in increasing order of ages)). F is younger than B. W is older than D. E is married to P and has two children: Q and R (in increasing order of ages). E dies. Stricken by grief after E’s death, X dies. Assuming the realm follows gender-neutral ultimogeniture, the throne passes to
  7. a) W b) F          c) B            d) Q
  8. In the facts of the question above, if the realm followed the rule of house seniority, the throne would pass to
  9. a) Z b) D c) F           d) R


If you have ever watched a Grand Prix, you may have asked yourself, ‘how do Formula One cars generate downforce?’

Motorsports is all about speed. Being the fastest around will mean victory. But there is a limit to how fast one can travel on the ground without the car taking off. For attaining great speeds a car needs to remain firmly on the ground and have a good grip on the racing track. This means that all cars need to generate a downward force sufficient enough to keep them firmly on the ground for the speed that they intend to attain.

One way to remain on the ground at great speeds is to increase the weight of the car. But an increased weight will need more power to drive the car and make the handling of the car difficult. The alternative to this is to create the required force to stay grounded. Downforce can be generated from the air flowing around the car and will increase as the speed of the car increases.

The wings of an aeroplane help it to take off in the air at a specified speed. The same wing, if installed inverted on a car can make the car stay firmly on the ground. Just like in an aeroplane, as the speed of the car increases, the wings will press the car more firmly on the ground, thereby making handling of the car through twists and turns easier at high speed. This force that presses the car to the ground is called downforce.

Aerodynamic downforce plays an important role in the performance of Formula One cars, DTM, Indy cars and touring cars. Good grip on the racing track is equally important as the power generated by a racing car engine. Good ground adhesion gives the car stability and better cornering ability. Hence a racing car must generate a ground force equal to several times its weight.

Modern Formula One cars can generate as much as 5G downforce. That means, at full speed, the effective weight pressing down on the track will be 5 times the weight of the car. Almost all the surfaces of a Formula One car are engineered to produce downforce. The downforce by the front portion of the car has to be balanced by the downforce produced by the rear portion.

While the downforce on either side of the car can be balanced by symmetry, the downforce between the front and the rear cannot. This downforce has to be balanced by design. Most of the downforce in Formula One cars is produced by the wings and by diffusers. The downforce required by the car for ultimate performance will vary from track to track and on the conditions of the track.

While too much front downforce could lead to understeer, too much downforce generated by the rear portion could lead to oversteer. The balancing of the downforce between the front and the rear can be done by careful designing of the body parts of the car. The balancing act of the downforce also comes with an increased drag on the car.

Section – A: English

  1. Select the option that correctly sorts facts (F) and opinions (O).
  2. Grand Prix is worth watching.
  3. Formula One cars are beautifully designed unlike other types of cars.

iii. Symmetry is unable to address the downforce between the front and rear of a racing car.

  1. The weight of a racing car has to be far less than the ground force generated.
  2. a) F- (iii) & (iv); O- (i) & (ii)

G F- (ii) & (iii); O- (i) & (iv)

  1. b) F- (i), (ii) & (iii); O- (iv)
  2. d) F- (iv); O- (i), (ii) & (iii)


  1. Select the idiomatic expression that addresses the given text, most appropriately.
  2. a) A vicious cycle
  3. b) Two can play at the game
  4. d) The tip of the iceberg
  5. c) Dot the i’s and cross the t’s
  6. What type of text could the given piece, best be categorised under?
  7. a) Analytical
  8. b) Expository
  9. c) Descriptive
  10. d) Inspirational
  11. In the line, ‘The alternative to this is to create the required force to stay grounded.’, what is the nature of meaning for ‘staying grounded’, that the writer DOES NOT refer to ?

(a) Metaphorical     b) exact

  1. c) Non-figurative d) literal
  2. Select the most appropriate option as a concluding remark for the given text.
  3. a) Racing regulations make it hard to gain an advantage over competitors.
  4. b) The total aerodynamic package of the race car is emphasized now more than ever before.
  5. c) We can understand the downforce concept both mathematically and logically.
  6. d) Downforce ensures that cars are firmly planted on the road at speed.

Section – B: Logical Reasoning

18.If the orientation of the wings in a Formula One car were reversed (and all other things remain equal), the effective weight pressing down on the track would be X times the weight of the car. X is

  1. a) = 1 b) > 1
  2. c) < 1 d) Cannot be determined
  3. A super car has a greater acceleration and top-speed compared to a Formula One car, but does not have wings that generate even half the downforce as compared to a Formula One car. The super car would still handily lose a race against a Formula one car.

Which among the following statements is correct the race track?

  1. a) The race track is straight.
  2. b) The race track has at least a few turns.
  3. c) The race track is made of soft, rubber-y surface.
  4. d) The race track is made of asphalt.


  1. Without downforce-generating apparatus in a Formula One car, the drivers would
  2. a) A Formula One car without any apparatus affecting aerodynamics would act like an aeroplane
  3. b) Need to slow their car down to make turns.
  4. c) Need to gain a lot of weight (or add weight to the car) to keep the car on the ground.
  5. d) All the above
  6. Assume that an object enters into free-fall if the force attracting it towards the earth is less than the force pushing it away from the earth. Further assume that all objects on earth are pushed away from it with a force equal to 1G. A Formula One car, therefore, _____________?
  7. a) Is in free-fall at all times during a race.
  8. b) Is not in free-fall at any time during a race.
  9. c) Is in free-fall at some (but not all) times during a race.
  10. d) Cannot be determined.
  11. Downforce generated by the wings of a Formula One car creates force towards the floor of the car thereby keeping the floor of the car closer to the surface it is being driven on. As mentioned in the passage, this downforce can be around 5 times the gravitational force exerted by the earth on the car. This implies that
  12. a) A Formula One car, if driven at a high enough speed, can drive upside-down in a tunnel (i.e., on the roof of the tunnel) without falling down.
  13. b) A Formula One car cannot drive upside-down in a tunnel (i.e., on the roof of the tunnel) at all.
  14. c) Gravity and downforce always act in the same direction.
  15. d) Both b) and c)
  16. In a race among ten drivers (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J, who started in this order, i.e. A started 1st and J started 10th), D, E and F made 2, 2, and 5 overtakes. Respectively. No one else made any overtakes. What are the new respective positions of D, E and F?
  17. a) 2nd, 3rd and 1st
  18. c) 1st, 2nd and 3rd
  19. b) 3rd, 2nd and 1st
  20. d) Cannot be determined
  21. How many overtakes does a person starting 10th in a race need to make to get to 1st position, assuming no other person makes any overtakes?
  22. 9
  23. 10
  24. 11
  25. 8

III. Wesley Hohfeld, a Harvard law professor in the early part of the 20 Century developed an analytical framework for understanding interests in property Hohfeld’s eight terms are arranged in two tables of ‘correlatives and opposites that structure the internal relationships among the different fundamental legal rights

Jural Opposites:

Right Privilege Power Immunity
No-right Duty Disability Liability



A privilege is the opposite of a duty. a no-right is the opposite of a right. A disability is the opposite of a power, an immunity is the opposite of a liability

Jural Correlatives:

Right Priviledge Power Immunity
Duty No-right Liability Disability


“Correlatives” signifies that these interests exist on opposing sides of a pair of persons involved in a legal relationship. If someone has a right, it exists with respect to someone else who has a duty. If someone has a privilege, it exists with respect to someone else who has no-right. If someone has a power, it exists with respect to someone else who has a liability If someone has an immunity, it exists with respect to someone else who has a disability.

A right can be enforced by a lawsuit against the person who has the correlative duty. A privilege negates that right and duty, and typically would be asserted as an affirmative defense in the lawsuit. A power is the capacity to create or change a legal relationship. For example, when someone makes an offer of a contract, that gives the offeree the power to create a contract by accepting the offer (or not) Ifthe power to create the contract is exercised, then both parties have rights and duties with respect to each other. Courts have power, only if plaintiffs or prosecutors exercise their power to commence a lawsuit. Sovereign states are immune because courts lack power over them, in which case courts are said to have a disability with respect to sovereigns

If I “own” property, it means that I have various rights with respect to the thing constituting my property-the “bundle” of sticks or rights I probably have the right to exclude and everyone else in the world has a correlative duty not to use my property Some people may have a privilege, however, as to fly over it I also have power with respect to my property because I can create rights in others, as by transfering some or all of the property to them, as by creating an easement, which gives the grantee certain rights vis-a-vis others and certain rights and privileges vis-a-vis me

Section-A: English

  1. The text is an example of a passage that is
  2. a) Literary b) descriptive
  3. c) Argumentative d) informative


  1. Select the words from the text that correctly substitutes the underlined words in the following sentence:

She gained exemption from the accountability of paying excessive maintenance, when the apartment owner changed.

  1. a) Power, defence b)privilege, offeree
  2. c) respect, contract d)immunity, liability
  3. Which option includes a foreign word used in the English language from the text ?
  4. a) correlative b) plaintiff c) vis-à-vis     d) grantee


  1. Select the option that can be used as a title from the text.
  2. a) All Rights Reserved b) Fine Print
  3. c) Letter of the Law d) Burden of Proof


  1. Select the option that includes information that is an appropriate fit into the passage.
  2. a) Hegel, Kant, Hume and others say that ‘right’ refers to the power of self-expression. However, Duguit opposes this vehemently. Another theorist of Rights is Ihering, a great German jurist.
  3. b) Human rights are those which considering their rationality, faith, age, race is intrinsic to all human beings. One of the great achievements of the U.N. is the creation of a comprehensive body of human rights law.
  4. c) A legal right is an interest accepted and protected by law. If these rights get violated then the person has the right to move the Court for enforcing rights.
  5. d) Any debasement of any legal right is punishable by law. Employment and discrimination laws provide the legal framework defining an employee’s rights to freedom from being discriminated against by the employer.

Section-B: Logical Reasoning

  1. If X has a right vis-à-vis everyone else, and Y has a privilege vis-à-vis X, then X has a vis-à-vis Y.
  2. a) No-right
  3. b) Duty
  4. c) No-duty
  5. d) None of the above


  1. X and Y enter into a contract that provides as follows: “The quantum and time of payment, if any, shall be determined by A on the basis of the parties’ performance of their obligations under this contract.” Here, A has vis-à-vis X and Y.
  2. a) Immunity
  3. b) Right
  4. c) Power
  5. d) Disability
  6. Every person can travel on any road, unless it is blocked by a person who owns that road. Every person has ______________ vis-à-vis the owner of the road.
  7. a) A right
  8. b) A privilege
  9. c) An immunity
  10. d) None of the above
  11. In the facts of the question above, the owner of the road has _____________ everyone else.
  12. a) A right b) A privilege c) An immunity     d) None of the above
  13. If A has a right to claim damages from B, then B has _________ to pay damages to A
  14. a) Duty
  15. b) Liability
  16. c) Immunity
  17. d) disability
  18. The owner of land can lease the property to any other person. Under the lease, the owner can allow sub-leasing. The owner of the land has _______ vis-à-vis the property

a)Right  b) Power c) Immunity d) Liability

  1. If X infringes Y’s copyright, Y can sue X. Y has __________ vis-à-vis X.
  2. a) Right
  3. b) Power
  4. c) No-duty
  5. d) Immunity
  6. The compass is one of the oldest navigational tools we have. Since mankind began to understand more about navigation, compasses have been crucial to the achievement of major feats such as the first transoceanic voyages and the circumnavigation of the globe. None of this would have been possible without the aid of the compass in performing navigation calculations over long distances.

Early explorers had to use local landmarks and the stars to navigate. This made it very difficult to travel to far or unknown destinations. Compasses were one of the key breakthroughs that made such voyages possible. So how exactly does a compass work ?

A compass works by detecting and responding to the Earth’s natural magnetic fields. The Earth has an iron core that is part liquid and part solid crystal, due to gravitational pressure. It is believed that movement in the liquid outer core is what produces the Earth’s magnetic field. Like all such fields, the Earth’s magnetic field has two poles – North and South. These magnetic poles are slightly off from the Earth’s axis of rotation, which is used as the basis of the geographic poles – however the magnetic and geographic poles are close enough to allow a compass to serve as a valuable navigation tool, especially when adjustments are made for the polar differences such adjustments being referred to as declination.

In September 2019, for the first time in over 360 years, compasses at Greenwich pointed true north. Most of the time, however, compasses don’t actually point precisely towards the North Pole.

True north is the direction that points directly towards the geographic North Pole. This is a fixed point on the Earth’s globe. Magnetic north is quite different: it is the direction that a compass needle points to as it aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field.

The magnetic North Pole shifts and changes over time in response to changes in the Earth’s magnetic core: it isn’t a fixed point.

This difference between true North and the North heading on a compass forms an angle, referred to as declination. Declination varies from place to place because the Earth’s magnetic field is not uniform – it dips and undulates.

Section-A: English

  1. Select the option that corresponds to a ‘feat’.
  2. a) The diversion of traffic
  3. b) A student’s tribute to the mentor
  4. c) An acrobatic performance
  5. d) The cancellation of a fight booking
  6. The writer refers to the compass as a “key” breakthrough, to highlight its
  7. a) importance b) scientific nature
  8. c) ease of use d) novelty
  9. Select the option that can be used, both as a noun as well as a verb, in the given fom.
  10. a) uniform, magnetic, point b) Only uniform
  11. c) uniform and core  d) point, iron and core


  1. Identify the meaning of the adjective in the given line from the text.

*** ……..compasses at Greenwich pointed true north.’

  1. a) aimed b) precise
  2. c) topmost d) sharp
  3. Which action suitably corresponds with ‘undulates’?
  4. a) praying
  5. b) walking a dog
  6. c) sharing a secret
  7. d) dancing
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AILET Answer Key 2023


AILET Unofficial Answer Key 2023

As the mode of the exam is offline, the candidates can check the AILET General Knowledge & Current answer, English and Logical Reasoning 2023. Below we are highlighting answers for all the questions asked in the exam. Candite can keep refreshing the page to check the question answers. The candidates must note that the unofficial answer key is prepared for basic reference and it is not the final.

  1. AILET 2023 Answer Key for General Knowledge and Current Affairs Answer

Below candidate can check the unofficial answers for AILET 2023 General Knowledge and Current Affair Section:



Before adopting Riyal as its currency, Qatar’s currency was equivalent to which foreign (to Qatar) Currency

UAE Dirham

As a result of Air Pollution and nearby sewage, the —- is reported to be

The Taj Mahal

Who among the following relies on medicines to cure mental illness?


Which of the following entities is not owned or controlled by Elon musk now?


Which of the following statement correct about Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution is?

Neither A and B are correct (as given in the options)

Who is the first Indian to win the All-India Badminton Championship?

Prakash Padukone

Which country’s Prime Minister was in news for dancing in a ‘Wild Part’?


Who is the current chairperson of the Human Rights Commission?

Justice Arun Kumar Mishra

How many amendments have been made to the Indian Constitution so far?


The Supreme Court in……Upheld the constitutional validity of the EWS Reservation

Janhit Abhiyan vs Union of India

Which of the following state witnessed more foreign tourists in 2021?


Recently the IMF approved a loan of USD 2.9 billion to


foreign universities can set up their institutions in

GIFT only

The name of the private rocket that was launched from Sriharikota in November 2022 is


The Voters Day in India is celebrated on

25th January

Who won Nobel Peace Prize 2022?

Ales Bialiatski

In order to reduce Plastic Waste in India, the Indian Government in July 2022 banned –

Single-use plastic

What is the size of one nanometre

10 to the power of -9 m

X water body connects to the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean

Both A & B 9 as per options given)

The following Indian Driver is currently participating in Formula Two Series

Jehan Daruvala

Human Rights Day is celebrated on

December 10

How many Youth World Titles in Chess have been won by Grand Master Praggnanandhaa?


The first Indian to have won a medal in Asian Cup Table Tennis is

Manika Batra

After winning the Gold Medal in Olympics, Neeraj Chopra also won the Javelin Throw in

Diamond League

The first Indian to win a Medal in Olympics Badminton is

Saina Nehwal

The new Election Commissioner who joined in November 2022 is

Arun Goel

How many world heritage sites are there in India?


India’s rank in the Global Hunger Index out of 121 countries is


The 2022 G20 Meeting was held in November 2022 in


The National Education Policy excluded the following disciplines from its ambit

Law and Medicine



  1. AILET Answer Key 2023 for English Section 

Below candidates can check the unofficial answer for AILET 2022 English section. The right answers to the question are getting added one by one so make sure to refresh the page:



Doctors: Cardiologists

Criminals: Hackers

The text is most likely to be published as a (Phishing Passage in English)

Magazine Article

The purpose of prolonged phishing is to

Gain in-depth information

What about the victims who often work favourably for phishers using E-Mails?

They remain very busy

Replace the underlined word – ‘Scam’


The word ‘Great’ in the name Great Pacific Ocean alludes to the

‘Extent of the Garbage Patch

Which is the contextual clue that bets helps us understand the meaning of Gyre?

Clockwise rotation

The photo in photodegradation points to the role of……in the degradation of plastic


Which of the given literal devices does the writer use in the line ‘He found himself traversing a sea of plastics’


Select an option that displays a title likely to belong to an article of the 2006 series

Marine Life Conservation

The writer uses the word ‘Crunch Numbers’ in the first paragraph to communicate that involves to

Large-scale processing of numerical data

Choosing the best graphics card isn’t as simple as picking the absolute most expensive card, you can locate and call it a day

Getting Confused

What is the best GPU for crypto mining does not present?

Information, Prediction, Precaution

What is the writer’s most likely intent of using question headings in this text?

Present information in a systematic chronology

Which aspect of the text indicates that the writer is engaging with the reader?

The Punctuation

The confusing relationships in the text can be best applied to?

When the writer offers a ‘Knack’ to remember of which cousin in which

Mudane and a Disgression

In the line ‘Aristotle’ outlined the basic form of syllogism in Paragraph 1, the writer means that Aristotle…… the topic

Presented the main aspects of

The writer’s use of an Exclamation mark in the line ‘that’s ancient philosophy for you’


Select the correct option that is true for both (1) and (2) below, according to paragraph 3

Premises need to be proven true for a conclusion to occur

These are syllogisms that rely on premises being hypothetical


Elizabeth’s father had to ascend the throne because Edward had to step down. Select the correct reason

Edward was involved in controversy

The word ‘Provoked’ in the line ‘provoked constitutional crisis’ refers to –

Giving rise to a reaction

What can be inferred as common between the understanding of heir apparent and heir presumptive?


The phrasal verb ‘stood in’ is used in the line..stood in form him at public events

Get by

The Scots objected to Elizbeth’s accession

No, the Scottish people embraced Elizabeth because of her Scottish lineage

The text is an example of a passage that is


He gained exemption from the accountability of paying excessive maintenance when the apartment owner changed

Immunity, liability

Which option includes a foreign word used in the English language from the text


Select the option that can be used as a title from the text –

All Rights Reserved

Select the option that includes information that is an appropriate fit into the passage

A legal right is an interest accepted and protected by the law. If these rights are violated the person has to move to the court

Select the option that corresponds to a ‘feat’

A student tribute to the mentor

The writer refers to the compass as a ‘key’ breakthrough to highlight its


Select the option that can be used both as a noun as well as a verb in the given form

Uniform and code

…….compass at Greenwich pointed true north


Which action suitably corresponds with ‘undulates’


Select the option that correctly sorts facts (F) and opinions (O)

The weight of a racing car has to be far less than the ground force generated

Select the idiomatic expression that addresses the given text, most appropriately

Dot the i’s and cross the t’s

What type of text could the given piece, best be categorized under?


What is the nature of the meaning of ‘Staying Grounded’


  1. AILET 2023 Answer Key for Logical Reasoning Section

Below candidate can check the unofficial answers for the logical reasoning section. The answer is getting added one by one so candidate can keep refreshing the page:



A ruler’s firstborn son, at the moment of his birth, is the first in the line of succession. The statement is

All of the Above is the answer

At ruler’s last-born son, at the moment of his birth, is first in the line of succession. This statement is

Always correct with the respect to the rule of ultimogeniture

Different rules of inheritance can never create……

Not correct even if its seen only in the context of the rules…..

Y is the youngest child of X……

If the rule of primogeniture is followed, then Y’s elder siblings have been disowned

Which of the following scenarios is/ are possible?

No Answer

X is the ruler of the realm. X has three younger sisters….


In the facts of the question above, if the realm followed the rule of house seniority….


A supercar has a greater acceleration and top speed compared….

The race track has at least a few turns

Without downforce generating apparatus in a formula one car, the driver…..

All the above

Assume that an object enters into a free fall…..

Is in free fall at all times during a race

Downforce generated by the wings of Formula One Car….

A formula one car cannot drive upside down….

In a race among ten drivers….

Cannot be determined

How many overtakes a person starting at the 10th….


If X has a right vis-a-vis everyone else…

No right

X and Y enter into a contract….


Every person can travel on any road…

None of the Above

In the facts of the question above…

A privilege

If ‘A’ has the right to claim damages from B….


The owner of the land can lease the property to any person….


If X infringes Y’s copyright…..


Based on the above information, which tower is in the centre?

Insufficient Information

If one seeks to travel to ‘D’ from ‘A’….


If one seeks to travel to B from A


At sunset, A’s shadow points towards


A Compass circular in shape consists of…..

Approximately East

A is holding a compass at the time of sunrise….

135 degrees clockwise or 225 degrees counter clock-wise

In the facts of the question above, what actual direction is NW…..


Which of the following logical relations is/are correct?

Vishing and smishing are subjects of scamming

Which of the following E-Mails (converted to code)….


Which of the following Emails…


Which of the following statements is correct about conditions used in the filter?

Condition (ii) is redundant in light of condition (iii)

A scammer has figured out a way to manipulate…..

Abcgillg2s (A)

The company that created the bot reverse-engineered the scheme….

(i) followed by (ii) followed by (iii)

Which of the following assumptions is/ are necessary to conclude the plastic waste emerging

The extent of photodegradation is inversely related to the time spent by plastic in oceanic water

A researcher showed that for every thousand kilometres of piece….

Reproduction of Ameoba…

It was found that between two pieces of plastic…

2 to the power of 9 = 512

Theoretically, filtering out all plastics from water bodies…

Stop the growth of size and depth of the Great Plastic Garbage….

A teacher wants to demonstrate the futility of Ocean Cleanup…..

Both b and c

From the passage, it is clear that both plastic accumulation and oceanic pollution are negatively affecting

Pollution is dangerous for marine life only if it takes place in an environment…

It is found in a series of experiments that big pieces…

Rate of photodegradation is inversely related to the size of the original piece of plastic

Let the following premises be true: If it is sunny on any given day, I can go running and it is not sunny today. Which of the following must be true

I can not go running today

If a majority of spoons are forks then which of the following could be true?

All the above

Assume that (A) a majority of blankets are sheets (B) a majority of blankets are tablecloths and © no non-blanket sheet (i.e. a sheet that is not a blanket) is a non-blanket tablecloth (WHich is true)

Some sheets are tablecloths

AILET Official Answer Key 2023

The official answer key of AILET 2023 is scheduled to be released on December 12. As per past trends, AILET official answer key along with the master question paper is released within one day after the exam. The direct link to download the answer key will be updated here as and when NLU releases the same.

Official Answer Key Link – To be Released on December 12


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