The New 3 Year LLB Hons Program at NLSIU

NLSIU has reinvented legal education for the 21st century with the launch of a new interdisciplinary three-year LLB (Hons) program in 2022. The 3-year LLB (Hons) is a full-time residency program accepting 60 students for the 2022-23 academic year. Admission is based on the national entrance exams across India to be held on 24th April 2022. The first group will start classes on July 1, 2022. Each course offered as part of the program requires 75% attendance. Admission to the LL.B (Hons) program is through a national level admissions process. the program’s first cohort classes will begin on July 1, 2022.
- Start Date for Online Registration – 07th January 2022
- Last Date for submitting application – 26th March 2022 – 11:59 PM
- Date of Examination – 24th April 2022 – 02:00 PM
- Interview Date – May 2022
- Final admissions list will be publish date – First week of June 2022
- Classes commencement – July 1, 2022
Mode of Examination – Offline Paper Based
- Any person holding a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized national or international University is eligible to apply to the programme.
- Applicants in the general category should have graduated with an aggregate of not less than 45% of total marks.
- Applicants in the SC/ST category should have graduated with an aggregate of not less than 40% of total marks.
- Students in the final year of their Bachelor’s degree are also eligible to apply. However, their final offer of admission will be contingent upon successful completion of their Bachelor’s degree with the minimum aggregate marks specified above
- For the 2022-23 academic year, 60 candidates will be admitted to the Admission to the program is through three-step examination process at the national level. The first two levels include the National Law School Admissions Test (NLSAT), a written academic test across India. The third stage will be an interview.
- The written exam will be for 140 mark , from which 75 marks will be from Objective type MCQs, 65 marks will be from subjective type Questions and the interview will be for 10 marks
- All candidates seeking admission to the program are required to attend the The NLSAT has one question paper with two parts, Part A and Part B. All candidates must attempt both parts of the question paper. Exam duration is 150 minutes.
- Part A:Part A will consist of Multiple-Choice Questions, and shall be for a maximum of 75 marks. 0.25 marks shall be deducted for every wrong answer.
Part A will constitute the first stage of the admissions process. A merit list of candidates will be prepared based on their performance in Part A of the NLSAT. Only those candidates who qualify in Part A of the test shall have their Part B responses evaluated. Candidates shall be selected in a ratio of 1:5 for evaluation of Part B of NLSAT. i.e, five candidates per seat will qualify for Part B of the examination. Marks secured in Part A shall not be carried over to the rest of the admissions process.
- Part B:Part B shall consist of subjective questions which shall be for a maximum of 65 marks. A fresh merit list shall be prepared based on performance in Part B of the NLSAT. Candidates will be selected in a ratio of 1:2.5 per seat for the interview.
- Candidates will be called for an interview based on the rank achieved in Part B of the The third and final stage of the admissions process, the interview, is graded on a maximum of 10 points. During the interview, applicants will be judged on their ability to express themselves fundamentally, their ability to think creatively, their ability to argue, and their passion for law and public service. The interview panel is composed of academics and prominent legal experts.
- Final rankings are established by combining grades obtained from the NLSAT Part B and Then you will be offered an admission accordingly.
- Note: The applicable reservations policy shall be applied at each stage of the admissions process.
Part A: Applicants will be tested on the following in the objective test:
- English comprehension (25 marks)
- Current Affairs (25 marks)
- Critical Reasoning (including logical reasoning and legal aptitude) (25 marks)
Part B: The syllabus for the subjective test is as follows:
Legal Aptitude/Reasoning (50 marks): Legal aptitude will consist of problem-based questions to which short answers will be sought. Prior legal knowledge is not expected. This section will have 10 questions of 5 marks each.
Current Affairs (15 marks): Current affairs shall consist of one essay of no more than 500 words. Students shall be required to answer one of three options. Applicants will be tested on their knowledge of the issue, the ability to make cogent written arguments and write a well-structured essay. Knowledge of the law is not expected.
- The total number of seats shall be 60 (sixty). Seats shall be reserved as follows:
- Scheduled Castes – 15%, Scheduled Tribes – 7.5%, OBCs – 27%, EWS – 10%, 5% of the total intake shall be reserved horizontally for Persons with Disabilities (PWD); 30% of the total intake shall be reserved horizontally for women, and 25% of the total intake shall be reserved horizontally (compartmentalized) for Karnataka Students.
Application fees shall be Rs. 2000 (Two thousand only).
Candidates belonging to the SC, ST, EWS, and PWDs shall be required to pay Rs. 1500 (One Thousand, Five hundred only).
Other Important Links
LOGIN LINK: Click here
Before filling the application form read the Instructions below carefully.
- Applicants should carefully go through the Admission Notification to understand the admission requirements and admission process before submitting an application.
- The email ID and mobile phone number required for application submission must remain valid and active throughout the admissions process.
- Candidates must ensure that the information they provide is true and correct in all respects before clicking the Submit button on the application.
- Once Submitted, The candidate cannot make any Corrections or changes to the application
- Items superscripted with ‘*’ are mandatory and cannot be left blank
- At the time of screening or at a later date, if there are any errors or errors in the contents of the application form, the application/candidacy may be declined or admission may be cancelled.
- Incorrect and Incomplete application shall be rejected
- Candidates are expected to keep their login credentials safely for future purposes
- There will be fields where the candidate will be required to upload documents
- Once Paid, The application fee will not be refunded
- If you are a person with disability and require assistance in filling application form kingly Email