Common Law Admission Test (CLAT), a national entrance exam for law programs, is used to determine eligibility. Since its inception, CLAT has been administered once a year by the National Law Universities. CLAT 2023 will now be conducted by the Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) with the help of a permanent Secretariat. The exam consists of 150 questions, of which 28-32 are in CLAT English Section.
CLAT English tests the candidate’s English proficiency based on comprehension passages and grammar. Questions are asked about candidates’ comprehension of the passage and its central theme. They also ask about the meanings of the words in the passage. Questions in the grammar section include sentence correction, sentence rearrangement and filling in the blanks with appropriate terms.

Let’s first take a look at what question types were in the previous years for CLAT.
Previous Year Papers CLAT
CLAT UG Previous Year Question Paper 2015 (Click Here)
CLAT UG Previous Year Question Paper 2016 (Click Here)
CLAT UG Previous Year Question Paper 2017 (Click Here)
CLAT UG Previous Year Question Paper 2018 (Click Here)
CLAT UG Previous Year Question Paper 2019 (Click Here)
CLAT UG Previous Year Question Paper 2020 (Click Here)
- Reading Speed – It is crucial to improve your reading speed, as it is directly related to the English section and the entire paper. It is vital to increase your reading speed as CLAT is a speed-based exam. We mean that you should be able to comprehend the passage in just two readings. CLAT comprehension passages are 500-1000 words long. Effective reading skills are essential. Reading the newspaper daily is a great way to improve your reading skills and help you answer questions about Current Affairs, Legal GK, and Legal Reasoning. It is also a good idea to read a lot of books. This will help you understand the topics in the exam.
Grammar – This is an area where test takers often lose marks. This is due to the differences in our spoken and written English. Students must read the Rules of grammar carefully to avoid making mistakes in this section. Let’s take a look at an example question taken from a CLAT exam. This test assessed the grammar knowledge of candidates.
- If you promise to be ___________________ angry with me, then I’ll tell what I did.
- Not to get
- not get
- Do not
- not getting
The question is simple, but requires strong grammar knowledge. It is therefore important to review all concepts and practice many grammar questions.
- Vocabulary Construction: To be able to use the CLAT English Section’s vocabulary, you must build a strong vocabulary. This requires a sustained, long-term effort. This is not something you can do in one month. Reading newspapers regularly is one way to improve vocabulary. Another method is to make a list of all the new words. These words can be used in conversation and writing to help you recall them. For students who want to be able to answer vocabulary-based questions, they can also research word roots, suffixes, and prefixes. Let’s take a look at CLAT’s vocabulary-based question:
- Q.
- Intigerity
- Integrity
- Integerity
- Integerety